Popular around every corner of the world, Lehenga is said to be the quintessential part of any wedding ceremony, Haldi, festive celebrations, or special occasions. This three-piece attire also known as Lehenga Choli comprises a beautifully designed Indian skirt, a blouse or a choli, and a lovely dupatta covering the head and the midriff. It was during the 12th and 18th centuries, when the Mughals arrived in India and began their rule, that Lehenga like the Chikankari lehenga or the cotton lehengas were introduced. Stitched from cotton, these lehengas were ornate with rich beads, pearls, royal fabrics, pure silk, along with gold or silver Zari threads as well. It was around the 10th century that Lehenga Choli became popular in the Northern part of India. Also worn by the rural women of Gujarat and Rajasthan, Lehenga was later on favoured by the upper-class women as their dance costume. Though reserved only for marriages, Navaratri, dance during Dandiya, or festive occasions, lehen...