In this article, we will talk about top 20 baluchari saree online for amazing West Bengal culture. West Bengal is popular for its amazing designs of sarees designed by the local manufactures of saree. Among them are the Baluchari sarees, known for their unpredictable and rich themes handwoven in pure silk. The area of Murshidabad is the prime location for Baluchari saree. Baluchari sari history is more than 500 years old. One can say that these baluchari sarees have come a long way since then. The main theme used in the making of Baluchari sarees is old Indian mythology. The scenes and stories from epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata are showing on the sarees using hand-weaves. It is also viewed as promising to wear Baluchari sari to important events. Importance of Baluchari Sarees: The actual Indian Baluchari sarees were woven with pure silk and were made for the premium class women. The rich and complex themes representing important characters and scenes of Indian myth...